Monday, May 4, 2009


Oils have been missing from my regimen for a couple of weeks, I ran out. I joined the castor oil challenge and I am back on the oiling trail. The castor oil challenge has us using the castor oil on our roots at least twice a week. Initially I had a big prob with this, it would irritate my scalp and I would actually get sores from itching it so much. So after some advice I decided to mix the castor oil with EVOO 50:50 with a few drops of tea tree oil and I have been doing good. I am now adding EVOO in my conditioner as well as using it as a pre poo/ hot oil treatment. I love love how it makes my hair feel, love everything about this combination. I would strongly advise you to try it, the challenge goes on for 3 months. Of course I will post pics.

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