Saturday, April 4, 2009

Oil sheen vs Gloss drops

I was never a fan of oil sheens, so much so that I hated when the hairstylist would insist on using it. I figure oil drops were better and did not weigh the hair down as much. In addition whats the point of using oil drops and oil sheen at the same time.

Now I have decided to switch it up a bit, what about not using oil drops and replacing it with the sheen. After much research I settled on "Keracare oil sheen with humidity block". I must say that so far I have been pleased (to say the least) with the results. I was out last night sweating and dancing and so far the hair has been ok. No frizziness whats so ever. It does not weigh your hair down and instead it gives a nice bounce. Try it and let me know what you think.

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